No marketing team? No problem. How Shape + EMA help busy lenders and realtors build a more profitable and sustainable business
When done correctly, digital marketing can be a lender or realtor’s best friend. Building an end-to-end campaign that generates high-quality leads, brings them into your funnel, nurtures them, and ultimately converts means more ( ideally, repeatable ) revenue for your business. Easy, right? Well, without a proven system or technology in place to track and measure the return on your investment, marketing can be your business’s Achilles Heel, especially when you consider a quarter of companies have no idea what their return on marketing spend is . If you can’t track new leads, measure conversion rates, understand your best converting sources, or even what pieces of content are performing effectively, how can you possibly expect to invest your marketing spend wisely? Then comes the arduous process of writing the content and building the campaign. You could hire a marketing team or even just a single marketer to help, but that can be a costly investment of both your time and money. Y...