Sales Training for Student Recruitment: 5 Simple Steps to Boost Your College Admission Team’s Productivity Starting Now
Don’t pour thousands of dollars into student recruitment staff training. Check out these five simple steps to take your higher ed admissions team to the next level. For some higher ed institutions, problems with inexperienced staff have plagued recruitment efforts for years. Now, as students become more and more selective about where they attend school, a lack of experience in student recruitment is a problem that must be solved. While many higher education businesses can afford to pour tens of thousands of dollars into training their salesforces, most universities simply lack the resources and knowledge to do the same. And the cycle of want can be vicious. In an equation? Less resources to train sales staff equals less trained staff, less students recruited, and, consequently less resources to train sales staff. (After all, a mere 37% of colleges met their recruitment goals in 2019.) As they battle shrinking budgets and declining enrollment rates, many priv...